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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

You're Three Today

A rainbow baby is a term used to describe a child born after the loss of a child. The beauty of a rainbow does not negate the ravages of the storm. When a rainbow appears, it doesn't mean the storm never happened or that the family is not still dealing with its aftermath. What it means is that something beautiful and full of light has appeared in the midst of the darkness and clouds. Storm clouds may still hover but the rainbow provides a counterbalance of colour, energy and hope♥

3 years ago, we were blessed with our Rainbow Baby.

Dearest Gracie,
Words can't explain the happiness and joy you brought back into mommy and daddy's life. You were what our arms longed for. You gave us our second chance at being parents. You brought us back to life when we thought there was no point in returning. You saved us. We mourned Jayden's death, but in that darkness, God and him blessed us with you. I always think about how things would be different if your big brother was here..how you'd play, fight, laugh; how he'd stick up for his little sis. But truth of the matter is, without his passing, you wouldnt have been. Of course I long everyday to hold him and kiss him but never would I change the way things turned out to be. I became a stronger woman and a better mother because of what we went through, but most of all I was blessed with you because of what we went through. You're my princess that loves to brush her teeth, scream at the top of her lungs to daddy that "MAMAS YOUR BEST FRIEND!", aggrivate the pee out of mommy and daddy by not listening or telling us no. The princess that only wants a hug after being spanked or yelled at, makes her parents say "sowwy and I not mean too" to each other when they argue, loves to have mommy and daddy feed her, breastfeds her dolls and treats them with such tenderness. You take on the role of the greatest big sister, by tending to your little brothers every coo and cry. You smother him with love and kisses. You're super smart and love mommys iPad and without Mickey Mouse Clubhouse I dont know where we'd be. You are everything mommy and daddy ever dreamed of having. You can tug at our patience but melt our hearts with a simple "I love you". You're such a thriving 3 year old and although I wished time would slow down, I cant wait to see the little lady you turn out to be!
Happy 3rd Birthday Baby Girl!
With all my love,
Mommy :)